Monday, August 07, 2006


dot dot dot...
a thousand apologies to blog reading fans out there
for being unreasonably slow in 'blogging'
staggering number of events occured
all started since day 1 of gI...
life was on the positive side until a week before summative
i finally realize the massive load of lectures i had to read
which as foreseen resulted in a bad bad bad outcome
some may call it a wake up call, karma, fate
i just think of it as rotten luck
then it was time for end of semester assessment
perfect timing
3 weeks of study break snapped by
alphabets were flying all over the place
so were my facts
when i walked out of the gates of SAQ it felt as what everyone says... 'ok la'
OSPE was like massive culling of bird-flu infected chickens
before OSCE came, i declared holiday
truly the taste of freedom could never be any better
partying in this metropolitan always means squeezing the money vending machine dry
it wasn't long before judgement day arrived
i squeezed her stone cold hand as we paced towards the hall
praises to God as there was only an elective form attached to the result slip
it felt good
good enough for 19 of us (18 acutally) to pack our bags and head to taman negara
to spend time with mother nature's priceless creation
the company was good, the food is umm... 'can live with'
the jungle is well... like any other jungle
but lodging is just appalling
its like a kindergarten classroom enclosed in colourful walls with a toilet stuck into it along with a couple of bunk beds.
mother nature does come with plenty of surprises
a couple of shots from our short trip

3 days later we headed back to the polluted city populated with concrete trees
personally i prefer air conditioning than wandering around some wild forest
penang was next
5 days purely of food food and more food
beautiful city, a gorgeous lady, scrumptous food...
wad more can a man ask for?
time flew by so fast and i hoped for a longer stay
now i am back here
on this ever faithful striped couch
stoning away my last few days
before i head back to kuching
and the story continues
dot dot dot...

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

new adventures?

alo =)
dot dot dot...
apologies fer unexpected long delay in producing updates
as time passes by
hearts change
people reveal themselves
relationships take a turn
lecture notes pile
responsibilities expand
number of jeans increases
worship to the Lord amplifies
as alcohol consumption diminishes
haemato ended with a smile
GI started off in a hassle
chief complain: inadequate time to ponder on events
no complications nor aggravating factors
honestly its not a pathological problem
apologies to those i disappointed
appreciation to others that offered aid
remaining bottles remained capped
buried together with a thousand cravings
lecture notes sprawled over the couch
animations of o2 jam displayed on the bright square panel with a plethora of colours
memories of deep sea creatures flashes around the walls
the thought of recent events
inscribes an honest smile
sparkles the eye
clears the thought, mind, and path ahead
sets goals
dot dot dot...
the list continues
by which i shall continue writing
in time to come

p/s some sappy stuff

Monday, March 27, 2006

tears and rain

once again
i rest my glutues maximus on the striped couch as i write
write write write...
no one is around me now
the weekend jus passed
a lot happened
life never ends even after exam
however one that is truly loyal is my striped couch
never changing, nor mutating into some malignant neoplasia that might metastasize into me
*med life*
haemato starts today... is tat something to be joyful about?
is life always so complicated...
is it possible to find comfort in pain...
or is it just tears and rain...
i shall try to make my blog more joyful next time
i promise
dot dot dot...

Saturday, March 25, 2006

respi ended
respi really ended
it ended badly
but i dun care
is tat good or bad?
all i know is
i haf a freaking headache
splitting headache
dot dot dot...
here i am right where i started
strip couch... coin... mltr... headache...
im thankful for wad happened after the exam though
dun get me wrong
i am happy
how to spell?
cabernet sauvignon
i wan to say sorry to rima n amy n cheany0ng for not opening the door
and thanks to andrew
dot dot dot...
post exam trauma
dot dot dot...
now on my left is wolf blass n vodka, right an emtpy sauvignon... how did it end up there?
on the couch, right and left nothing
striped couch oh striped couch
i guess im back where i started
dot dot dot...


Tuesday, March 21, 2006


3 days to respi
ie approx 62 hrs to mph 1-3 3rd floor behind the glass doors bypass the guard and 2 potted plants on each side of the door
my study plans for today...
i started off great
i went to class listened to dr richard loh preach about some one mile long hospital where he had to dot dot dot... (i forgot)
got some caressing from dinesh on my thigh and armpits
then luckily dr ended early and saved my thighs n armpits from further violation
pbl was next
waited 25 min at stupid photostate shop to get my printing done
no praises from faci during pbl but scolding scolding scolding only cos i never read my pbl before hand
so i tot i'd try to turn over a new blade of grass
and went to library with cy n kong
damn semangat fer like 15 minutes
until the worms game in cy's pda came into action
and of course kong's stomach growling
it was rainingg so we had to go to a sheltered makan area
carrefour we decided
at the ground floor the choices were considered
the coin we had din haf tat many faces
so we ended up at mcD
btw we had tat last nite. even the fella behind the counter recognised us
potential supersize me
for some reason kong heard the calling from the snooker centre upstairs
again the coin
at first the coin decided for 2 games
then we stared at each other
coin came into play again
it has spoken
one hr package for snooker
we couldn't finish a game in 1 hr sucks
the guilt was overwhelming after snooker
now im here on the striped couch
typing this with my vodka on my left, notes on my right
cherie n yun on my left, kong n cy on my right
wad is happening?
here i am confused
dot dot dot...

Monday, March 20, 2006


i really don't understand
im confused
life is jus weird
y did i start blogging?
y did i start friendster?
so happened that friendster was introduced by cherie voon
and blogger was recommended by the other cherie
oh shucks
wads with cheries n this world
exam is in 4 days
dot dot dot...
respi... (dot dot dot...)
im sitting here again on the famous striped couch
in front of my laptop n tv
on the table, vodka on my left sauvignon on my right
temptations they call it
on the couch, pappa patho on my left, cherie on my right
isn't tat jus odd