Monday, March 27, 2006

tears and rain

once again
i rest my glutues maximus on the striped couch as i write
write write write...
no one is around me now
the weekend jus passed
a lot happened
life never ends even after exam
however one that is truly loyal is my striped couch
never changing, nor mutating into some malignant neoplasia that might metastasize into me
*med life*
haemato starts today... is tat something to be joyful about?
is life always so complicated...
is it possible to find comfort in pain...
or is it just tears and rain...
i shall try to make my blog more joyful next time
i promise
dot dot dot...


Blogger joyce said...


how come i dunno mek ever comment one?


nine hime.

u MUST come n support me ah, this saturday..

represent sarawak bohhh

8:48 PM  

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